how to forgive some one?

Yes... here is how

4 Steps to Forgiveness
A powerful way to change your life for the better. The Four Steps to Forgiveness offers you a quick and easy way to start forgiving. It can lead to deep and profound changes in your life. Its power is in its simplicity, so just start using it and you will see for yourself. These Four Steps can be used for any kind of issue big, or small. However, it is best to start with relatively small issues until you get the idea. In fact it is best not to try and forgive someone who could potentially cause you further hurt until you have some experience and understanding of the whole forgiveness process (see Tough Forgiveness and Reconciliation). Think of a small issue you want to forgive and try the steps below. Using The Four Steps to Forgiveness

It is best to do the Four Steps in writing till you get some experience.

 Step 1: State who you need to forgive and for what.

 Step 2: Acknowledge how you currently feel about the situation. It is best if these are your honest feelings, not the nice, polite things you think you should feel. You need to work from how you really feel. Then you express your willingness to at least be open to the possibility of letting go of those feelings.

 Step 3: State the benefits you will get from forgiving. This will mainly be the opposite of what you are currently feeling. Sadness will become happiness, anger will become peace, heaviness becomes a feeling of lightness and so on. If you are not sure about the benefits just choose a few general good feelings which you would like to have for now (happier, more at ease, more confident etc). It helps if you can imagine how much better you will feel when you have forgiven.

 Step 4: Commit yourself to forgiving. This is simply stating who you intend to forgive and then acknowledging the benefits which come from forgiving.

 Usually, you will end up with Four Steps which looks something like this:-
 Example 1: Imagine your friend John has started avoiding you and you do not know why.
 1. I am willing to forgive John for avoiding me.
 2. I now choose to release my feelings of sadness, anger and fear. (You can choose to do additional emotional release later if you need to).
3. I acknowledge that forgiving John benefits me as I will feel happier, healthier and more peaceful. 4. I commit myself to forgiving John and I accept the peace and freedom which forgiveness brings. Example 2: In this example someone's girlfriend, Janet, ended their relationship.
 1. I want to forgive Janet for leaving me.
 2. I now choose to release my feelings of regret, abandonment and fear.
 3. I acknowledge that forgiving Janet benefits me as I will feel clearer, happier, and more able to create better relationships in the future.
 4. I commit myself to forgiving Janet and I accept the peace and freedom which forgiveness brings. Example 3: In this example someone was fired from their job.
 1. I want to forgive my boss for firing me.
 2. I now choose to release my feelings of anger, sadness, unfairness and disappointment.
 3. I acknowledge that forgiving my boss benefits me as I will feel positive, happy, and more able to find a better job in the future.
4. I commit myself to forgiving my boss and I accept the peace and freedom which forgiveness brings.