English Vocabulary

English to urdu meaning 
Use of words

Inexplicable      -ناقابل وضاحت
Inextricable     -ناقابل حل
Infer                  -نتیجہ نکالنا
Infinitesimal       -نہایت چھوٹا
Infraction            -تجاوز
Inhibiting            -باز رکھنا
Inimitable           -بے مثال
Intial                    -پہلا
Initiate                -شروع کرنا
Innuendo               -اشارہ
Inopportune       -بے موقع
Insipid                -بد مزہ
Insolent              -بے ادب
Insurrection       -بغاوت
Integrate            -متحد کرنا
Intensive            -شدید کن
Interim                -درمیانی وقفہ
Interjection         -دخل اندازی
Interminable        -بے حد
Intermittent           -وقفہ دار
Intern                     -نظر بند کرنا
Interplay               -ایک دوسرے پر اثر ڈالنا
Interpolate            -الحاق کرنا
Interrogate              -سوال کرنا
Intervene                 -درمیان میں آنا
Intractable                -ضدی
Intrigue                      -سازش
Intrinsic                     -ذاتی
Inure                        -عادت ڈالنا
Invalidate                -بے اثر کرنا
Invariable                -مستقل
Inveigh                     -مذمت کرنا
Inverse                     -بر عکس
Inversion                  -الٹ پلٹ
Inviolable                  -قابل عزت
Ironic                           -طنزیہ
Irremediable               -لاعلاج
Irreparable                -ناقابل مرمت
Irresolute                      -بے عزم
Itinerant                    -خانہ بدوش
 _*12 Boring 😬 Words and What You Can Use Instead*_

🔆 *Instead of _“ACTUALLY”_ ,use:*

```• Absolutely
• As a matter of fact
• Indeed
• In fact
• In point of fact
• In reality
• Indeed
• Certainly
• Veritably
• Genuinely
• Sincerely
• Truly```

🔆 *Instead of _“AMAZING“,_ use:*

```• Surprising
• Astonishing
• Fascinating
• Fabulous
• Incredible
• Marvelous
• Prodigious
• Shocking
• Stunning
• Surprising
• Unbelievable
• Wonderful```

🔆 *Instead of _“AWESOME”,_ use:*

```• Awe-inspiring
• Breathtaking
• Extraordinary
• Fantastic
• Grand
• Impressive
• Magnificent
• Mind-blowing
• Outstanding
• Remarkable
• Wonderful```

🔆 *Instead of _“BEAUTIFUL“,_ use”*

```• Attractive
• Cute
• Elegant
• Exquisite
• Glamorous
• Gorgeous
• Handsome
• Lovely
• Neat
• Pretty
• Striking
• Stunning```

🔆 *Instead of _“GREAT”,_ use:*

```• Astounding
• Commendable
• Exemplary
• First-rate
• Fantastic
• Incredible
• Legendary
• Noble
• Phenomenal
• Stupendous
• Incomparable
• Terrific!```

🔆 *Instead of _"INTERESTING",_ use:*

```• Alluring
• Amusing
• Appealing
• Captivating
• Compelling
• Enchanting
• Engaging
• Entertaining
• Enticing
• Gripping
• Intriguing
• Stimulating```

🔆 *Instead of _“LOOK”,_ use:*

```• Check
• Examine
• Gaze
• Glance
• Glimpse
• Inspect
• Observe
• Peek
• Review
• Search
• Stare
• View```

🔆 *Instead of _“PLEASANT”,_ use:*

```• Amiable
• Charming
• Cheerful
• Congenial
• Cordial
• Delightful
• Enjoyable
• Gratifying
• Likable
• Lovely
• Refreshing
• Satisfying```

🔆 *Instead of _“QUITE”,_ use:*

```• Completely
• Considerably
• Entirely
• Fairly
• Fully
• Purely
• Precisely
• Thoroughly
• Totally
• Truly
• Utterly
• Wholly```

🔆 *Instead of _"REALLY”,_ use:*

```• Absolutely
• Actually
• Beyond doubt
• Certainly
• Easily
• Genuinely
• Indeed
• Legitimately
• Surely
• Truly
• Undoubtedly
• Unquestionably```

🔆 *Instead of _"SAID",_ use:*

```• Asked
• Called
• Cried
• Demanded
• Exclaimed
• Questioned
• Remarked
• Replied
• Responded
• Stated
• Shouted
• Whispered```

🔆 *Instead of _“VERY”,_ use:*

```• Exceedingly
• Exceptionally
• Extraordinarily
• Extremely
• Highly
• Immensely
• Insanely
• Intensely
• Meticulously
• Remarkably
• Supremely
• Tremendously```
 *DAWN NEWSPAPER Vocabulary..* 

 *Abort* : stop
 *Accord* : agreement
 *Anoint* : choose
 *Assimilate* : to take in, fit into, or become similar
 *Berate* : to criticize or speak in an angry manner to someone
 *Chastised* : to criticize someone severely
 *Conceptual* : based on ideas or principles
 *Consortium* : an organization of several businesses or banks joining together as a group for a shared purpose
 *Contemplate* : observe or study thoughtfully
 *Decapitating* : to cut off the head of a person
 *Deficits* : insufficiency
 *Delegate* : a chosen person
 *Deploy* : to use something in an effective way
 *Dissidence* : disagreement
 *Enclave* : a group of people different than its surrounding
 *Enunciate* : to pronounce words clearly, explain
 *Envisage* : To conceive an image of a future possibility
 *Emphatic* : said in a strong way
 *Exploit* : use well, use something unfairly
 *Extravagant* : spending or doing more than necessary
 *Galvanizes* : to cause someone to suddenly take action
 *Grievances* : a complaint
 *Harmonious* : friendly and peaceful
 *Hover* : suspended in the air
 *Hurl* : to throw something with a lot of force
 *Incentive* : something which encourages a person to do something
 *Incumbent* : officially having the named position, necessary
 *Inflation* : continuous increase in prices
 *Ostracized* : to exclude from a group
 *Perish* : to die,to suffer destruction
 *Pertain* : to have reference or relation
 *Pledge* : a serious or formal promise
 *Precedence* : act or fact of preceding
 *Prevail* : to get control or influence
 *Quintessentially* : typically
 *Rabid* : irrationally extreme in opinion or practice
 *Revitalize* : to give new life
 *Revoke* : to take back or withdraw
 *Sprout* : to develop or grow quickly
 *Substantially* : large in size, value or importance, basic or essential
 *Sway* : control
 *Tariff* : the schedule or system of duties so imposed
 *Inalienable* : unable to be removed
 *Upsurge* : a sudden increase in something
 *Vault* : something likened to an arched roof
 *Venerable* : deserving respect because of age, high position etc
 *Vie* : to compete with other people
 *Welter* : a large & badly organized number of things

Itinerary-سفر کا منصوبہ
Jaunt-سیر کرنا
Jovial-ہنس مکھ
Junta-سیاسی ٹولی
Justify-صیح ثابت کرنا
Juxtapose-برابر برابر رکھنا
Kaleidoscope-اشکال بین
Languid-تھکا ھوا
Lassitude-بے کیفی
Lateral-یک طرفہ
Lavish-فضول خرچ
Limbo-قید خانہ
Lineage-شجرہ نسب
Literacy-پڑھنے لکھنے کے قابل
Literally-حرف بہ حرف
Loggia-غلام گردش
Lunar-چاند کی مانند
Mafia-خفیہ تنظیم
Magnanimity-فراخ دلی
Magnanimous-شریف النفس
Malnutrition-غذائیت کی کمی
Manifold-طرح طرح کی
Mannerism-بے قاعدگی
Marginal-حاشیہ کے اوپر لکھا ھوا
Maturation-مکمل نشوونما
Mayhem-بد نظمی
Maze-الجھا ھوا
Memoir-آب بیتی

Inexplicable      -ناقابل وضاحت
Inextricable     -ناقابل حل
Infer                  -نتیجہ نکالنا
Infinitesimal       -نہایت چھوٹا
Infraction            -تجاوز
Inhibiting            -باز رکھنا
Inimitable           -بے مثال
Intial                    -پہلا
Initiate                -شروع کرنا
Innuendo               -اشارہ
Inopportune       -بے موقع
Insipid                -بد مزہ
Insolent              -بے ادب
Insurrection       -بغاوت
Integrate            -متحد کرنا
Intensive            -شدید کن
Interim                -درمیانی وقفہ
Interjection         -دخل اندازی
Interminable        -بے حد
Intermittent           -وقفہ دار
Intern                     -نظر بند کرنا
Interplay               -ایک دوسرے پر اثر ڈالنا
Interpolate            -الحاق کرنا
Interrogate              -سوال کرنا
Intervene                 -درمیان میں آنا
Intractable                -ضدی
Intrigue                      -سازش
Intrinsic                     -ذاتی
Inure                        -عادت ڈالنا
Invalidate                -بے اثر کرنا
Invariable                -مستقل
Inveigh                     -مذمت کرنا
Inverse                     -بر عکس
Inversion                  -الٹ پلٹ
Inviolable                  -قابل عزت
Ironic                           -طنزیہ
Irremediable               -لاعلاج
Irreparable                -ناقابل مرمت
Irresolute                      -بے عزم
Itinerant                    -خانہ بدوش
 _*12 Boring 😬 Words and What You Can Use Instead*_

🔆 *Instead of _“ACTUALLY”_ ,use:*

```• Absolutely
• As a matter of fact
• Indeed
• In fact
• In point of fact
• In reality
• Indeed
• Certainly
• Veritably
• Genuinely
• Sincerely
• Truly```

🔆 *Instead of _“AMAZING“,_ use:*

```• Surprising
• Astonishing
• Fascinating
• Fabulous
• Incredible
• Marvelous
• Prodigious
• Shocking
• Stunning
• Surprising
• Unbelievable
• Wonderful```

🔆 *Instead of _“AWESOME”,_ use:*

```• Awe-inspiring
• Breathtaking
• Extraordinary
• Fantastic
• Grand
• Impressive
• Magnificent
• Mind-blowing
• Outstanding
• Remarkable
• Wonderful```

🔆 *Instead of _“BEAUTIFUL“,_ use”*

```• Attractive
• Cute
• Elegant
• Exquisite
• Glamorous
• Gorgeous
• Handsome
• Lovely
• Neat
• Pretty
• Striking
• Stunning```

🔆 *Instead of _“GREAT”,_ use:*

```• Astounding
• Commendable
• Exemplary
• First-rate
• Fantastic
• Incredible
• Legendary
• Noble
• Phenomenal
• Stupendous
• Incomparable
• Terrific!```

🔆 *Instead of _"INTERESTING",_ use:*

```• Alluring
• Amusing
• Appealing
• Captivating
• Compelling
• Enchanting
• Engaging
• Entertaining
• Enticing
• Gripping
• Intriguing
• Stimulating```

🔆 *Instead of _“LOOK”,_ use:*

```• Check
• Examine
• Gaze
• Glance
• Glimpse
• Inspect
• Observe
• Peek
• Review
• Search
• Stare
• View```

🔆 *Instead of _“PLEASANT”,_ use:*

```• Amiable
• Charming
• Cheerful
• Congenial
• Cordial
• Delightful
• Enjoyable
• Gratifying
• Likable
• Lovely
• Refreshing
• Satisfying```

🔆 *Instead of _“QUITE”,_ use:*

```• Completely
• Considerably
• Entirely
• Fairly
• Fully
• Purely
• Precisely
• Thoroughly
• Totally
• Truly
• Utterly
• Wholly```

🔆 *Instead of _"REALLY”,_ use:*

```• Absolutely
• Actually
• Beyond doubt
• Certainly
• Easily
• Genuinely
• Indeed
• Legitimately
• Surely
• Truly
• Undoubtedly
• Unquestionably```

🔆 *Instead of _"SAID",_ use:*

```• Asked
• Called
• Cried
• Demanded
• Exclaimed
• Questioned
• Remarked
• Replied
• Responded
• Stated
• Shouted
• Whispered```

🔆 *Instead of _“VERY”,_ use:*

```• Exceedingly
• Exceptionally
• Extraordinarily
• Extremely
• Highly
• Immensely
• Insanely
• Intensely
• Meticulously
• Remarkably
• Supremely
• Tremendously```
 *DAWN NEWSPAPER Vocabulary..* 

 *Abort* : stop
 *Accord* : agreement
 *Anoint* : choose
 *Assimilate* : to take in, fit into, or become similar
 *Berate* : to criticize or speak in an angry manner to someone
 *Chastised* : to criticize someone severely
 *Conceptual* : based on ideas or principles
 *Consortium* : an organization of several businesses or banks joining together as a group for a shared purpose
 *Contemplate* : observe or study thoughtfully
 *Decapitating* : to cut off the head of a person
 *Deficits* : insufficiency
 *Delegate* : a chosen person
 *Deploy* : to use something in an effective way
 *Dissidence* : disagreement
 *Enclave* : a group of people different than its surrounding
 *Enunciate* : to pronounce words clearly, explain
 *Envisage* : To conceive an image of a future possibility
 *Emphatic* : said in a strong way
 *Exploit* : use well, use something unfairly
 *Extravagant* : spending or doing more than necessary
 *Galvanizes* : to cause someone to suddenly take action
 *Grievances* : a complaint
 *Harmonious* : friendly and peaceful
 *Hover* : suspended in the air
 *Hurl* : to throw something with a lot of force
 *Incentive* : something which encourages a person to do something
 *Incumbent* : officially having the named position, necessary
 *Inflation* : continuous increase in prices
 *Ostracized* : to exclude from a group
 *Perish* : to die,to suffer destruction
 *Pertain* : to have reference or relation
 *Pledge* : a serious or formal promise
 *Precedence* : act or fact of preceding
 *Prevail* : to get control or influence
 *Quintessentially* : typically
 *Rabid* : irrationally extreme in opinion or practice
 *Revitalize* : to give new life
 *Revoke* : to take back or withdraw
 *Sprout* : to develop or grow quickly
 *Substantially* : large in size, value or importance, basic or essential
 *Sway* : control
 *Tariff* : the schedule or system of duties so imposed
 *Inalienable* : unable to be removed
 *Upsurge* : a sudden increase in something
 *Vault* : something likened to an arched roof
 *Venerable* : deserving respect because of age, high position etc
 *Vie* : to compete with other people
 *Welter* : a large & badly organized number of things

Itinerary-سفر کا منصوبہ
Jaunt-سیر کرنا
Jovial-ہنس مکھ
Junta-سیاسی ٹولی
Justify-صیح ثابت کرنا
Juxtapose-برابر برابر رکھنا
Kaleidoscope-اشکال بین
Languid-تھکا ھوا
Lassitude-بے کیفی
Lateral-یک طرفہ
Lavish-فضول خرچ
Limbo-قید خانہ
Lineage-شجرہ نسب
Literacy-پڑھنے لکھنے کے قابل
Literally-حرف بہ حرف
Loggia-غلام گردش
Lunar-چاند کی مانند
Mafia-خفیہ تنظیم
Magnanimity-فراخ دلی
Magnanimous-شریف النفس
Malnutrition-غذائیت کی کمی
Manifold-طرح طرح کی
Mannerism-بے قاعدگی
Marginal-حاشیہ کے اوپر لکھا ھوا
Maturation-مکمل نشوونما
Mayhem-بد نظمی
Maze-الجھا ھوا
Memoir-آب بیتی
Menagerie-چڑیا گھر