Say no to Worries

Some people are never free from trouble, mainly because they keep their minds attuned to worry.

Eliminate the negative....! 
when you develop a plan for dealing constructively with problems and get to work implementing your plan, you will no longer  be troubled by worries. 
Negative thoughts always yield the right of way to a determined person in pursuit of a positive plan of action.

How to eliminate your worries...?  
Write your individual worries on single piece of paper. Look them over, and consider each one.
Next, using a small candle safely placed on a fireproof surface, hold each worry with tweezers and burn it saying "Worry Be Gone" This sends a message to your subconscious mind that underscore your desire to be once and for all through with these worries. Finally, on the same number of slips of papers,write out a positive belief that now will replace the worry.These can be affirmations that you need when your worry begins to come back to stalk you.

The mind attracts what it dwells on